If you have lived on this earth long enough, you will quickly come to understand that trials do come,  and those trials serve a purpose in our lives. 

If we only had what was lovely, would we seek the Creator who made those things?  If everything went "seemingly" right in life, would we seek Christ?

Trials help us to see our need for our Savior and cause us to reach out to Him, both in struggle AND in thankfulness. The thankfulness comes from recognizing struggle.

The Lord is close to the broken hearted, He holds us close. He weeps when we weep. 
Think about when He went to raise Lazarus from the dead.  John 11:35 says, "Jesus Wept."
He was sad at the sorrow and suffering that was experienced because of the death of Lazarus.

Our Lord is not unfamiliar with suffering. In fact, scripture says He was a man of sorrow, acquainted with grief.  He bore our sins and sorrows on the Cross.  And He bears them today.  He carries our burdens. He carries us.

Did you know that Lamenting can be a form of Worship?  Telling Christ all about our sorrow and suffering and laying our burdens down at His feet, is an act of worship and faith.

In the middle of the Book of Lamentations, a book of Lament, is a scripture of hope. 
The city of Jerusalem was under siege.  People were eating their own young.  They were eating pigeon dung.  They were suffering and dying.  But then we read in chapter 3, the words penned by the Prophet Jeremiah...
"The Steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning.  Great is Thy faithfulness." 

Jeremiah saw the faithfulness of God in the midst of the worst of circumstances.

When trials come our way and we are in the storm?  Do we wallow in self pity?  Do we get angry?
Do we forget who we are in Christ?  Or do we turn to the only one, who can comfort us in our distress; the one who carries us?

When we learn to trust that there is purpose in everything, our faith is strengthened. And when  we cannot see the light at the end of the very dark tunnel, we learn to trust that the Light will come.


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